Volume 2, Issue No. 3, June/July 2013
- Chair’s forward
- African Quantum Leap
- Welcome - Dr Enas Ahmed
- Earth Science Book Reviews
- Earth Science Events
- References and Selected Reading
Foreword by the Acting Chair of Society of African Earth Scientists, Dr Chukwunyere Kamalu
Welcome to the ninth issue of the bi-monthly newsletter of the Society of African Earth Scientists (SAES), in which we focus on fascinating implications of Africa’s 21st century development trend.
We should begin by asking ourselves: How can we affect a revolution for the good in 21st century African thought about development in Africa, in terms of its health care, access to water, agriculture, energy, and communications?
The nature of African development in the past 10 years has given us cause for articulation of an interesting and optimistic African development model. For want of a name, we call it a quantum leap model.
African Quantum Leap
An African quantum leap development model
assumes that Africa will not follow the same path as Europe in development. It
will skip steps. In the past decade we have seen much of Africa leap frog other countries by largely skipping
the widespread landline use phase of telecommunications, which might not have widely
materialised for the next hundred years, and jump straight to
mobile and internet use - even in rural
areas1. This has been accompanied by indigenous innovations, with
Africans creating their own internet-connected devices and applications
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Community school, rainwater harvesting roof |
wave treated water3. Literally a quantum leap in the improvement of
clean water access could be achieved by greater exploitation of African
groundwater resources and rainwater harvesting.14, 15
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Runoff harvested from surrounding land (and collected in excavated pan) |
damage to the soil, the loss of food
sovereignty – specifically, the loss of a
fundamental freedom: to eat our own natural
food from seeds not produced or patented by a global corporation.
In medicine, it is gradually dawning on us
that Africans must re-develop their inventory of medicinal plants. This case is
made most forcefully in cases where we see that the drugs from pharmaceutical
corporations are not only expensive but sometimes ineffective (as in the
treatment of malaria). In these cases, the argument for traditional or novel
plant based medicines which are produced locally and therefore cheaper, is
strengthening4. The case for such action is even more compelling
when most African hospitals have a scarcity of both doctors and medicines, so
there is little state healthcare provision for the ordinary people.
The imminent solar energy revolution in Africa merits that we focus the remainder of our discussion on this energy source. Solar will be the immediate example of a quantum leap in development5, provided African communities (with or without government assistance) are able to manage the opportunity to their benefit.
Part of the challenge for African
governments of managing the opportunity presented by solar must be the careful choice
of when to invest in solar panel manufacture, and when to invest in large scale
solar power production plants.
It is probably good to have a mixed strategy
that involves both the building of solar power plants and solar panel
manufacturing plants. Manufacturing
panels will encourage Africans to build their own plants and mini-plants and
home off-grid installations which will ensure that solar in the country is more widely available
beyond those served by the large scale power plant - even into rural areas which are unlikely to
be served by large scale schemes.
If resources allow only one of the two
options, then it has to be said that the case for manufacturing plants is compelling
as the choice having optimum benefits.
here are at present five solar panel
manufacturing plants in Africa, located in Ethiopia (cost: $5 million), Ghana,
Nigeria, Senegal (cost: $8.8 million) and South Africa. On the whole solar
panel manufacturing plants would appear to be cheaper, costing units of
millions rather than tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to build. Solar
panel manufacturing plants also have the added value of potentially enabling
more indigenous installation projects.
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Solar panel manufacturing at Karshi plant, Abuja, Nigeria |
At present the largest operational solar
energy plant on the continent is at Ouarzazate in Muaritania. This 15 Megawatt
(MW) plant will supply the country with 10% of its requirements6.
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Ouarzazate solar power plant, Mauritania |
Ghana plans to build the continent’s largest
solar energy plant, the 155 MW Nzema plant at a cost of $400million8.
In Africa’s current energy make-up renewable
energy (excluding hydropower) accounts
for just 1% of the total; with oil and gas 81%;
nuclear 2%; hydro-power 16%.
Exploiting solar will probably make Africa a world leader in renewable
Quite obviously, Africa has huge untapped
potential in solar energy. It is a regrettable fact that more proportion of the
African population than populations elsewhere in the world are without access
to electricity. It is estimated that
70-90% of Africa’s population has no access to electricity.
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The Nzema plant, Ghana, will generate 155 MW |
A study by NORAD has shown that solar
photovoltaic power used in an African rural setting is now cost competitive
with diesel powered generators. One of the factors putting fossil fuel at a disadvantage
is the 50% of the fuel cost which is added for transportation10.
European organisations like NORAD can foresee
the revolution in solar coming to Africa: As fossil fuel costs continue to
rise, the gap between solar and the more expensive fossil fuel energy will
grow, to a point where solar becomes inevitable.
The benefits of solar in future will
include: no pollution, no moving parts, comparatively very little
maintenance, falling cost with
increasing usage.
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Solar powered Senegal health centre |
Africa stands on the cusp of an opportunity
to take a leap into solar energy and lead the way; but it is not a given. It
has to still be ensured that the opportunity is managed correctly so that the
benefit is enjoyed by ordinary African citizens.
Welcome - Dr Enas Ahmed
A warm
welcome is extended to Dr. Enas Ahmed on her co-option to the SAES trustees’
board. Dr. Ahmed is a geologist and
paleontologist from Egypt. She is the
representative of the African Association of Women in the Geosciences for
Egypt, and the Career Development Team Leader of the Young Earth Scientists Network.
We look forward to her contribution and addition to our pan African board of
Affiliation and Association with other organisations
SAES is affiliated to the
African Association of Women in the Geosciences, South Africa Young Earth Scientists Network, Solar Sister, and is an active
supporter of the African led counter land grab initiatives, Stop Africa Land
Grab and Stop Land Grabbing.
Earth Science Book
Geology for Civil Engineers by
A Mclean and C Gribble 11
Conveying meeting points of engineering with
earth science, this text book lays out the basics the civil engineer has to
know to meet the geological challenges of civil engineering projects, often
including knowledge to facilitate the secure founding of civil engineering
structures on rock. For instance, it is the case that the location of a bridge
or alignment of a road can change due to an unexpected rock distribution. As well, the text introduces the engineer to the
minerals and rocks, superficial deposits (soil) and distribution of rocks at or
below the surface. The reader is then introduced to groundwater and the
movement of groundwater below the surface. The text also looks at the
implications of all of these factors, rocks, groundwater, etc., which affect
civil engineering projects, as a part of a guide to project planning.
Earth Science Events
September 8 – 12, 2013
Society of South Africa – Geoheritage 2013 Conference
Venue: Klein
Karoo, Western Province, SA.
Conference invites
papers focusing on various aspects of geoheritage, including Geo-education in
relation to heritage and conservation, management of geoparks and important geological/geomorphological sites. There will be an
exhibition of landscape art. Contributions on the role of landscape art in
geoconservation are invited. Web link: http://www.gssa.org.za/
October 15-18, 2013
The Africa Climate Conference.
Venue: University of Dar es Salam,
Arusha, Tanzania
Africa is
highly vulnerable to current climate variability and extremes, and most likely
to suffer adverse effects of change. Current limits to our collective
understanding of the African climate system impede our collective ability to
deliver adequate early warnings and climate predictions and restrict the use of
climate information by those most vulnerable to the current and future impacts
of changing climate.
October 28-29, 2013
2nd Annual International Conference on
Geological & Earth Sciences (GEOS 2013)
Venue: Phuket, Thailand
With the
advent of technology and industrialization, the Earth's resources are being
pushed to the brink of depletion. Conference looks at the role of earth
scientists in maintaining the balance between the Earth’s limited resources and
the demands of industrialisation.
November 24-26, 2013
International Conference on African Geology
Venue: Assiut,
A conference to
present new advances, and research results in the fields of theoretical,
experimental and applied geology of Africa.
July 14-19, 2014
Conference of the African Association of Women in the Geosciences –
Sciences and Climate Change: challenges to development in Africa
Venue: Nairobi,
Sub-themes to include: women and climate change, earth science and
hydrology, geo-heritage, geo-tourism, earth science and local communities.
References & Seleted Reading
Study, Cost Competitiveness of Rural
Electrification Solutions, Norwegian Agency for Cooperative
Development (NORAD), 2012, http://norplan.com/files/2013/05/NORPLAN-Study-full-article-3-.pdf
2. Vanguard, Nigerian develops solar cells from weed (mimosa pudica), May, 2013.
4. IRIN, Africa: turning to traditional medicines in
fight against malaria, Nov. 2009. http://www.irinnews.org/report/86866/africa-turning-to-traditional-medicines-in-fight-against-malaria
Malaria World, Why is WHO opposed to an
effective anti-malaria tea?, April 2013.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid
8. Ibid.
Study, op cit.
10. Ibid.
11. Gribble,
C. and A. McLean, Geology for Civil
Engineers, Taylor & Francis,
12. International
Fund for Agricultural Development, Soil
and Water Conservation in Subsaharan Africa, Rome, 1992.
13. Jordan, et al (eds), Land & Power: Sustainable
agriculture and African Americans - A collection of essays from the
2007 Black environmental thought conference. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), 2007.
14. Gupta,
S.K., Modern Hydrology and Sustainable
Water Development, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, 2011.
15. A link
on “Groundwater and Rural Water Supply in
Africa”: http://www.iah.org/downloads/occpub/IAH_ruralwater.pdf
16. Link to Journal of African Earth Sciences: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-african-earth-sciences/